Goblin Slayer (2018) Detailed Anime Review

Best Anime Reviews
4 min readDec 14, 2020


Goblin Slayer (2018)

Director: Takaharu Ozaki
Studio: White Fox
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Year Built: 2018
Episodes: 12
Anime Rating: 10/7


Our story is simply about our main character’s journey as an adventurer through Goblin killing. The village of our main character was attacked by goblins when he was still a child; the goblins destroy the whole place and rape his sister, who raised our main character alone, to death and cause him to die in pain. After this incident, our character, who finds himself a master and gets basic training on goblins, begins to discover different ways of killing goblins at a young age and to become an adventurer who only kills goblins with the effect of his desire for revenge. During this adventure, they meet many other characters, hunt goblins together, and manage to give us various emotions during these hunts. To sum it up simply, this is our story. But interestingly, even though the story seems simple, it manages to show you itself because its rendering is very engaging and successful. With the popular expression, we can say, `` It is rolling.’’


Our main character is a slightly speech-impaired friend. With the effect of the trauma he experienced, he has turned into a walking zombie style. But with his short and simple answers, people’s reactions to this situation manage to make you laugh. Also, he is very expert in tactics, etc., and he is really smart. He manages to show that he is not a stupid main character with his structure that thinks first and creates strategies instead of fighting straight. However, as expected from a 12-episode anime, neither the main character nor the other characters have deep processing. Do not expect a very detailed fictional structure in terms of characters, as the focus is more on war.


Battles take up a lot of space in our anime, and they’re all very satisfying. Do not think, “What satisfying procession goblins are always cutting the same thing” because there are many different types of goblins in our anime. They have names such as archer, shaman, giant, champion, king, etc., and each differentiates from the other in power, etc. So there is a variety of enemies. Anime would have bored 25 episodes, but there is no insufficient situation for 12 episodes. The visual effects of the battles are pleasantly enjoyable.


The drawings and visual details are well done. Venue designs are nice and not overwhelming. The visual effects involved in battles don’t feel cheap, and they are beautiful. The faces of the characters are also detailed and well-drawn. Especially the Virgin of the Sword took me from me … Ahmmm … So the drawings are nice here: P


The finale was good. In other words, I cannot say that it was a semi-final or a full final because the series had no ultimate goal anyway. But it was a scene, or rather a word, that opened the door to season 2. Simply put, our main character talks about wanting to be adventurous. If it turns out to be true, it seems that season 2 will be able to see the main character who cut not only the goblin but also many other monsters. Of course, it would be nice.


Although we have a simple subject, we have a product that makes you watch “Surround” and enjoy it because it is handled well. But are there cons? Of course, there are. What are these?
1- There are a few meaningless scenes in the anime. At some points, the character does not receive any Power Up, although there are scenes that are edited and presented as if the character received a Power-Up. And this is very disappointing. Also, this is another shortcoming because the main character needs Power Up. It is too ordinary in its current form. You feel this to the bone. Officially, there is a very strong Power Up hunger in the anime, and this gap is not filled.
2-The main character has a dramatic story, but because it is not emphasized much, he cannot achieve that effect. It would be fine even if it was just a well-edited 5–6 minute flashback scene. But the 1 minute or so remembering scenes we have are not well-fictionalized and very short.
So do I recommend it? Yes, I do. Friends who do not have any anime to watch can watch them spend time and watch beautiful war scenes. It’s an anime itself with a simple but immersive structure.



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